Lo veníamos planeando hace un tiempo, hasta que lo concretamos a principios de Junio, para coincidir con la visita de mi tía y cerrar el círculo perfectamente. Dos madrinas y un flamante padrino tendría Sean y con eso la oportunidad de ser queridos por muchos, bajo la bendición de la iglesia católica - que es la fe que mi familia profesaba.
Comenzamos todo con un hermoso servicio en la St Etheldreda y luego terminamos con una fiesta/ recepción en el centro de la ciudad. Todo muy bello. El padre me dijo al ver la iglesia tan llena que mucha gente se había congregado hoy por el bautizo de Sean, “tienes muchos a tu lado, eres una mujer con mucha suerte”, agregó. Y es verdad, miré a mi alrededor y vi a estos rostros alegres compartiendo un evento familiar tan importante, me sentí plena y feliz.
Sean estaba muy contento y creo que a los 5 años es una estupenda y tierna edad para bautizar, pues los niños se enteran de lo que sucede y lo esperan y disfrutan tanto como nosotros.
Let’s start from the beginning. Some of you already know that my aunty was visiting the British Isles; in fact she is still travelling around the European continent. She is one of the few family links I have left with Chile.
We were planning this for quite a while, until we concreted all at the beginning of June, to take advantage that my aunty was here and close the circle perfectly. Two Godmothers and One splendid Godfather Sean had, and with that, also the opportunity to be loved by many, with the bless of the Catholic Church, which is the religion that my lost family used profess.
We started the service in St Etheldreda and then we had the party/reception in town. Everything was beautiful, a lot of people attended and when the priest saw this, he was congratulating me how lucky I was. And it was true. I looked around me and I saw all this familiar and smiley faces being there for me and my family; I could not feel happier and content.
Sean was very excited as well. I think baptizing a child at the age of 5 it can only be a good thing. He was very much looking forward and when the moment arrived, it felt like Xmas and birthday together.
Con Los padrinos / The Godparents - Diana - Gina - Farruck
With Dr Farruck...
Working really hard to get this done. / Desde temprano trabajando para hacer esto.

En la foto: Solamente algunas de las tantas personas que asistieron /
In the picture: Just some of the many nice people that attended.
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