
Sunday, 5 February 2012

Crochet & Felt bunting ▼ Banderines de fieltro y crochet

Qué les puedo decir? Simplemente me encantan las banderitas. Alegran los espacios, levantan el ánimo; es una celebración constante de nuestro hogar.

La cadeneta está hecha a crochet con lana nueva, y las banderitas con fieltro. Simple y tan levantador de espíritu!

El retrato de la derecha es cuando yo tenía 1 año de edad, y fue pintado en Chile a petición de mi abuela, detalles Aquí.



What can I say? I just simply love buntings! They decorate the spaces in such a happy way, it is a constant celebration in our homes.

The chain is in crochet with new wool and the bunting is in felt. Simply and humbly lifting the spirit.

The portrait shows my image when I was 1 year old and it was commissioned in Chile by my grandmother, details Here.

Kind Regards!


  1. Wow!
    I love them!
    It was very funny for me to visit you and to see felt.
    My last post is with felt. :)
    You put felt today, me too.
    I always wanted to do something with it but I haven't imagination.
    I tried.
    Have a happy weekend Lorena!

  2. Hola Flory! that is soooo funny!! x

  3. Hi

    Hi Lory! I love your bunting!!! It's funny I just sat down with a bunch of leftover yarn to crochet a heart bunting for Valentines day.
    They do cheer up a space don't they?

    I love it!!!

    Take care!!!! XOXO

  4. Dear Anna... we all seem to be working with felt lately. jaja
    Hear bunting sounds delicious, specially for a little gift, more ideas in my head.
    Did you finished the S.H scarf?
    I absolutely adored that crochet cardigan! Clever Lady!!!
    Talking about Ladies... where are the other Chilenas! :O

  5. Que divertido, yo le hice uno a Bjorn para su cumple este sábado! quería hacerlo con felt pero se me olvidó comprar, entonces lo hice con telas que tenía, de estrellas, rallas... me encantan los bunting! el tuyo quedó bello! con los colores retro de tu casa, todo ad-hoc! xx

  6. Karin, linda! tengo banderines en la cocina y en el baño de los niños, esos son de tela. Pero para el living, donde los materiales son más lanosos, como chenille y telas más consistentes, pensé que el fieltro le venía mejor.
    Muéstrame las banderitas pues! Si no las veo, no te creo! Jajaja
    Oh claro, y los colores, tengo todo AMARRADO!

  7. Super ! me encantaron !!!

  8. Muchas Gracias katia!

  9. Hey there Lorybelle,
    Yes I did finish the scarf I will post it later.

    I'm working on my buntings as rapidly as I can, since the will be valentines.
    I think I'll post about them first.

    Thanks on the cardi, this spring I will go back to crocheting wearables again.
    The girls are getting bigger and they won't out grow things so quickly.

    Talke care, :)

  10. Dear Anna, I want to see them! (the bunting) I love them... I have seen such a lovely ones around, ever so nice if you have little girls!
    I understand about knitting or crochet for children is ok when they are small, but as they growing, the garment MUST be bigger... it does take a long time, very rewarding, though.
    Kiss kiss :P

  11. Te quedaron lindos los banderines. Besos

  12. Gracias Yanel! EStoy inspirada, me pongo ahora mismo a armar unas para un bebito... xx

  13. EStoy como las manoa de Yanelita... rapidita! jajajaja

  14. Hello Lorena!
    I'm soo curious!
    You made me smile as always.
    Have a nice evening!

  15. jajaj Thanks! I have a clown's heart!:P
    I want t show what did soooo much but I need to send it first, the my friend has to get it and only THEN I will post about it, I know.... otherwise, would not be a surprise for her!!!!
    But is lovely! jaja British post is fast -
    Thank God for that! (Let's thank the Queen instead) ha! x

  16. hola!
    regresé de mis vacaciones
    un abrazo y éxito en los proyectos!!

  17. Lory, te quedó maravilloso el banderín!!!
    Oye, gallaaaaaaaaa ¡Estás igual que al año de vida! Si no tenías que decir que eras tú!!!

    Besos y abrazos (Acá el calor es de locos, nena)


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