
Friday, 10 February 2012

❄❄❄ Brrrrrrrrrrr England ❄ ❄❄

In this part of the region, the topic has been only one: the snow!

The beauty that follows after it falls and the chaos that causes immediately as a consequence.

Cold, dump, slippery, very, very wintery.

Meantime, keep the projects going and I am enjoying profoundly the central heating!

Have a lovely weekend!

En esta parte de la región, el tema ha sido solamente uno: la nieve.

La belleza que le acompaña cuando cae y el caos que provoca inmediatamente como consecuencia.

Frio, humedad, resbaladizo, muy, pero muy invernal.

Mientras tanto, mis proyectos siguen... y yo.... disfrutando profundamente la calefacción central.

Que tengan un bello y caluroso fin de semana!


  1. Hello Lorena!
    I really don't like this winter.
    I told this on my blog, too.
    These days are for staying in the house if we can.
    Have a nice weekend!

  2. Ni se te ocurra "sacarte el paletó"
    con esos hielos se debe usar doble enagüa!!!
    y calzón de lana rojo!!

    Un gran saludo!!!!

  3. Hi Flory!
    Indeed. Winter is a funny one... I like to look at the snow for few hours but is not practical at all. You cannot even ski! What is the point?... get bothered! jaja
    Yes, I rather stay in and knit! jaja
    Take care! xx

  4. Hi Flory!
    Indeed. Winter is a funny one... I like to look at the snow for few hours but is not practical at all. You cannot even ski! What is the point?... get bothered! jaja
    Yes, I rather stay in and knit! jaja
    Take care!

  5. Inora, que sorpresa! Ha aparecido! La devolvieron los marcianos! Cacho! jajaja

  6. I forgot to tell you. I love your boots!
    Have a nice evening!

  7. jajaja Thanks Flory, they have wool all over inside, nice & warm, just what I need. There are not for indoors, but I took the picture when I was about to leave the house jaja!

  8. Hi Lory,
    Lucky you!!!! I do miss the snow. I grew up in Chicago do snow, boots, making snow angels, having snowball fights with my siblings was a huge part of my life. I soooo miss it.
    Every year I make my husband drive up to the mountains just so I can get my "snow fix" .
    This year has been way too warm. The only snow you will see is made by machines in the ski resorts. :(

    Have fun and enjoy!!!
    And please tell the boys to make an extra snow angel for me!!!!

    BTW, I'm digging your boots!!!

  9. Eso se ve muy muy muy muy muy frío pero al mismo tiempo precioso, todavía no conozco la nieve la estoy esperando con ansias jiji.
    Me encanta el color de esa lana, lo que hagas seguro te quedará bien.
    A y yo no se todo, hay mucho que tengo que aprender o perfeccionarme.

  10. We've been lucky so far and only got a little snowfall which all melted away next day. I like it when it's still crunchy underfoot but hate when it turns to ice. It's a lovely sunny day here today but sooooo cold.

  11. Annita! I know , I know... it is once in a while, isn't it? I should embrace it more! jaja
    But Now I am telling you this, it is PERFECT for knitting! :P
    I have to be honest and I do not envy you, I know California is the ever spring place ... but I do miss seasons, I am not sure if I could live there... does it make sense? It is far too nice! too many beaches and sun jaja.
    Now everything turn ice Anna, there is no more snow... we can not make an extra angel for you, but we can give you scotch on the rocks? jaja
    Thanks, I love my boots too, one of the kind.

  12. Yanelita! He termindo ese proyectito... Se lo he enviado a una amiga de regalo. Cuando le llegue, pongo el post de inmediato! Ha quedado taaaaan lindo! :P
    Si, frrrrrio! Pero bueno, es parte del paisaje invernal europeo, como sin duda es de Punta Arenas tambien, a prepararse!

  13. Paula: True true, you are a lucky girl. Snow is perfect in 3 days. 1 to look at, 2 play with it, 3 melt away jaja
    Good for knitting though, when you are inside the house with central heating :P
    Hope you are having a good weekend! Take care!

  14. Hi

    Hi Lory, OMG, it makes perfect sense, I love to see the change of seasons, and miss it so much.

    But oh well, I have to settle for all this sun and beaches. :(

    Enjoy your beautiful winter wonderland. And knit on!!!

    Cuidado con Los resbalones en el hielo!!!


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