
Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Bufanda de Dr Who ✰ Dr Who Scarf! 1976

Dr Who es una emblemática serie inglesa que comenzó a transmitirse en 1963 por la BBC y dura hasta nuestros días. Ha capturados miles de adeptos en el camino, atrapó a mi marido y también a mis hijos. Generaciones de fanáticos se han ido creando y pareciera que no tiene fin!

Les presento a petición de mi hijo mayor: La bufanda de Dr Who 1976 (unas de las tantas que usó este personaje).

Me he demorado casi dos meses en tejerla. Fue algo entre amor y odio, pues la hebra delgada parecía no avanzar y las proporciones de la bufanda eran increíbles. Por fin ya terminada, mide 3 metros 70 de largo por 25 centímetros  de ancho. Una odisea!

Dr Who is an emblematic English series that started in 1963 and it was transmitted by the BBC until nowadays.

It has captured thousands of faithful fans along the way, including my husband and children. Generation of Dr Who fan does not seem to reach end!

Let me introduce you, a unique request from my son: The Dr Who Scarf! – from the character of 1976, one of many designs that he wore.

It took me almost 2 months knitting this. It was a cross between “love and hate”, as the yarn was so thin, advancing look a very hard task, besides, the proportion of the garment where so unbelievable. Once finished, it measures 3 metres and 70 cm long,  by 25 cm wide. An odyssey!


  1. Congratulations! It's beautiful!
    Lorena I owen you apologies because I wanted to answer you to the last comment and instead of this I deleted the message from you. I'm sorry!
    Your son's scarf it's beautiful but it's hard for me to put that colors without seeing the wool you change.
    Have a nice day!

  2. Hi

    Hey there, hooorahhh!!!!! . It is finished!!!!

    Congrats, the scarf looks great, I love it. You have with this project cultivated the patience to take on any knitting project that comes your way.

    Take care.

  3. Wo

    Wow! My comment posted.

    Again, I love the scarf. And the pics are great.
    Now I will try too try to comment on my blog.


  4. Guau, es super larga, te quedó muy parecida a la original, me imagino que tu hijo estará super feliz y te dará muchos besos después de tanto trabajo.

  5. Yanel, no puedo creer que he terminado! Ya me he metido en otra cosa, mis manitas se estan pareciendo a las de Yanelita... no paran! jaja

  6. Thanks very Much Flory!
    I took me a while to finish this one, but my son is over the moon! He never really asked for anything knitted, so you can imagine when he told me he wanted this I was jumping of happiness. It was loooooooooooong though.
    So you are deleting my comments! jaja Do not worry, I can produce plenty more!
    Un beso! (a kiss)
    Lorena x

  7. Hi Anna! You know ! YOu know Karate Kid, when he had to train to e a big fighter? jajaja That was my training… I cannot believe the patience I had with this! My son is Happy though. Should not complaint. I love knitting!
    YES! YOu can Comment, well done Blog!

  8. Wowwwww!!! Por fin la terminaste y que carita tiene Thomas con su "caprichito".
    La puesta en escena es total :)
    Un beso

  9. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa buenisima, te pasaste! y seguro que Thomas esta fascinado....genial!... cuando ya no la quiera mas, me la mandas por faorrrrr! me requete encanto!!!! xx

  10. Nathalia! Claro que es capricho, se la pone 5 minutos y listo! ( luego le da calor) :O

  11. Karin : Me duelen los dedos de tanto tejer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! jaja
    Si la suelta Thomas, seguro la agarra Sean! :P

  12. jajaja eres muy buena en lo que haces, bueno te pasaría mi manta pero mi esposo no me la va entregar jijiji se enamoró de mi manta y la lleva por toda la casa jiji

  13. Gracias Yanel! He de tejerme mi propia manta eh? jaja


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