
Sunday, 11 January 2015

Giveaway! ~ Sorteo!

*Lo ha gandado Clara Arazi de Argentina*
Ya! Este cintillo trenzado de lana, algodón y bambú, se va de regalo a las personas que comenten en este post! (Previamente con un LIKE al post y la página Handmade by Lory)

Despacho a todo el mundo! Suerte! 
Sorteo el próximo domingo.
am giving away this lovely wool, cotton, bamboo hairband! Knitted by me, of course!!
Just comment in this post why you want it, with previous LIKE in the post and the page. Good luck!!!! 
The raffle would be next Sunday!


  1. Very pretty Lory! I love it!

    1. Hello darling! How are you? Did you get my Xmas card? I hope you did!
      I have been off the blog and concentrating more in my Facebook page. People do Facebook these days, but I do not want to give up my blog!
      Regards and best wishes for this 2015! Another year of happy knitting! xxx

    2. Hey there! yes i did receive, thank you so much, it is always so nice to get snail mail from you. I've been kind of on the low side lately, too many sad things to deal with on the personal level, but all in all its all good. thank you for visiting my blog. Its been a bit abandoned lately. I<m on instagram now so most of what I knit or crochet is on there now. Facebook didn't quite work for me, but my daughter follows you on FB. It was really good to hear from you. happy 2015! XOXOXO

  2. Hola, mi nombre es Veronica, tambien me gusta tejer, tengo 2 Blogs
    Espero te gusten
    Saludos Cordiales

    1. Hola! Que bien que te guste! Le eche una mirara y vi que tenias muchos patrones! Yo no se leer patrones. Comence a tejer hace una par de anos y todo lo hago instintivamente! :D Que ganas de poder leer!
      Gracias por comentar! Carinos! x


Feliz de tener sus comentarios - Happy with your comments.