
Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Raised Bed veg Patch ~ La huertita urbana.

Y nos tiramos hoy con semillas de cebollines, acelgas, lechugas y pimentones.

Y le vamos poniendo color a la huertita. Ya tiene Matas de  menta, perejil, ciboulette, albahaca, frutillas y arándanos.... 
And the veg raised bed is taking shape.  so far some herbs, blueberries and strawberries


  1. Qué bueno Lore! y sobre todo que los niños aprendan a querer a la naturaleza y no supongan que las hortalizan nacen en el súpermercado.
    Besos hoy desde

  2. Hi Lory!
    It's been a while. It's so nice to be able to have a little veggie patch at home. The children learn so much from growing things too. I haven't planted anything in the ground for a while. We've had a severe drought for several years so we are very careful how we use our water. I've been container gardening but only flowers for now. Nice to see you. btw, I've been instagraming a lot lately so my poor blog has been a bit neglected. But maybe soon I'll start blogging again. Take care my dear.

  3. Hola mija!!
    Qui´ hubo?

    "...para mi tristeza violeta azul,
    clavelina roja pa' mi pasión
    y para saber si me corresponde
    deshojo un blanco manzanillón."

    Póngale bastantes hierbas
    para la infusión!

    Su servidora
    Misia Lorena desde Sssshile


Feliz de tener sus comentarios - Happy with your comments.