
Thursday, 16 February 2012

♫ 3 Cool Cats ♫

Los niños están en la casa y es difícil hacer cosas... pero hoy mientras Thomas estudiaba, yo me puse a dibujar…

The children are on a school  holiday, so they have been at home for almost a week now. It is hard to do stuff, but today, while Thomas was doing his maths, I started drawing..


  1. Good Morning/afternoon Lory,

    I hope all is well, in your neck of the woods. :) How nice to have the boys at home for a whole wekk. I can remember when I had days off with my four children, it was hectic, but relaxing at the same time.

    I absolutely love your cats!!! so cute. One day I will commision from you
    a portrait of my kitty. :0)

    Take care my dear, and enjoy the boys holiday. :)

  2. Me quedo con los 3 gatiños.
    el mío desapareció hace casi 3 meses...ya fue declarado muerte presunta, no dejó herederos.

    Pasa por mi blog, ganaste un caramelo por portarte bien en vacaciones!

  3. Hello Lorena!
    I like your cats. My daughter likes them, too.
    I like to paint but I don't have to much time.
    My daughter is at home for almost a month because of the weather.
    I know how it is.
    Have a nice evening Lorena!

  4. Thanks for your kind words Anna. My mother in law, time before she died said to me: " It might seem like a hard time, but it would be the best time you ever had".... I do know and believe it now... they are mine, around me, needing me, loving me jaja I am the most important person in their lives... I do treasure these moments and I am happy feelng very preveliged I can saty at home with them. :)
    The cats are soooo cute I thing...
    Anna, 4 children????????????????????? That s very old fashion Chilean way! xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  5. Dear Lore! Son una belleza estos felinos! - lógicamente todos muy gays disfrutando de la vida concho. Mírales la cara! Jaja
    Iré a darme una vuelta a tu blog para ver qué es lo que me depara…
    Pd, Conociendo la deslealtad de los gatos, creo que el tuyo se fue donde le dieran mejor comida, nada dietético, tú sabes . :P Y eso de los vástago, tú no sabes si dejó más de algunos por ahí… imposible saber a ciencia cierta jaja.

  6. Thanks so Much Flory! They are cute cats indeed. My son already demanded the blue one to be made in crochet! jaja
    I know, it could seem a bit out of hand with children in the house all day, but it is fun! When they are at school is a it more regulated but schedules, which is also good.
    A month!!!??? wow, that is quite a long time to be of. The snow melted around here, thank God for that! xx

  7. Hola Lorena , me gustan tus gatitos , yo tengo uno que se llama kito ( ultimamente se parece mas a Roky por lo peleador ) ,que bueno tengas tiempo para hacer creaciones , yo entre el trabajo , arreglos en la casa, viajes y creatividad aun me queda tiempo para visitar tu blog , desde ya un abrazo a la distancia y volveré por aqui ....

  8. que lindos y simpáticos gatitos, a y hablas bien como en buenos aires solo que yo no hablo así porque soy del norte jiji en argentina tenemos muchas tonadas solo que la gente conoce la forma que se habla en la capital. Bueno de todos modos no importa ahora ya hablo con una mezcla de tonadas.

  9. Una preciosidad de gatitos... me encantan!!
    Qué artista que eres, Lorena. Creatividad a flor de piel. Felicitaciones!!

  10. Muchas Gracias Polita, no me dejaste el link a tu blog! Que tengas un excelente fin de semana. :D

  11. Shanel! jaja Si! tengo una amiga de Buenos Aires cerca de mi pueblo y todo lo dice con mushas shhhhhhhh...
    Ya te vuelves chilena, me alegra mucho que disfrutes tu tiempo en mi lindo Chile! x

  12. ups ,

  13. Muchas Gracias Natha, son solamente gatitos a mano alzada, pero la verdad es que quedaron bien lindos estos felinos Disharasheros!

  14. hola linda amiga!!
    adoro los gatos
    bellas tus ilustraciones!

  15. Hello!
    Lorena I tried to put AdSense on my blog and they have lots of rules.
    They told me that I have an "Unacceptable site content"
    I saw lots of blogs like mine with AdSense.
    I don't understand why mine isn't good.
    I'm not so happy today.
    Lots of people don't visit my blog or not follow anymore after they found the country I live. :(
    I know that some people from my country make unacceptable things, but not all and not me. :(
    I'm a sad woman today. :(
    Did you try to put AdSense on your blog?

  16. Hello Lorena!
    I'm so disappointed!
    That's life!
    I tried.
    Have a nice evening Lorena!

  17. It does not Worth it! I sent you an email... :P

  18. Muchas Gracias Carola... :D

  19. Hi Lory,

    Oh, do enjoy them, the grow up way too quickly. My baby will be 27 this summer.

    Yes, I have 4, 3 boys, and 1 princess.
    Sometimes I wish I could go back and have them all little here at home with me, but they had to grow and such is life. I do get the pleasure of my grandchildren now, and that is great.

    As a very young mother, it was at times difficult and nerve racking for me. But at the end of the day, when I looked in on them while they slept, I was so happy that they where mine. So, yes I know how you feel. It is a beautiful thing to be loved and depended on in just that way.

    Take care Lory. :)


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