
Friday, 13 January 2012

The nutcracker ✾ El Cascanueces

Encontré este tierno cascanueces con forma de nuez, mis niños andan fascinados  con tremendo invento!

Feliz fin de semana.


  1. jajaja un año y Chile y ya hablo como chilena jijil, bueno la verdad es que yo soy del norte de Argentina por eso no escuchas ese tono tan marcado de buenos aires y viviendo acá ya tengo una mezcla de tonos.

  2. I love it!!! How unique and totally nutty!!!

    Have a fantastic weekend!!'. :)

  3. I LOVE it. I need something like that!

  4. Hello!
    It looks nice and I think it's very useful.
    Everything is clean when you use it. You don't have any nutshell on the table or on the boarding.
    I like it very much!
    I saw your messages and you made me laugh.
    I think you are a very jolly person, just like me.
    Have a nice day and a happy weekend!

  5. Hola Yanel, No es que hables como chilena, pero no tienes el acento argentino. Me imagino que es algo de la gente de BA. Tengo una amiga argentina que arrastra al “SH” demasiado, y por lo mismo, se nota que es argentina. Jaja.
    Bueno, cuando estés en Roma….

  6. Anna, Thanks so much. It is indeed a very good find. Also, as somebody else commented, no nutshells spread al over, nice and clean result, quite clever! Jaja
    Have a lovely weekend, rest very much needed.

  7. Hi Frutiful Fusion! I thought I lost you, thanks for visiting! x

  8. Jaja Indeed Flory, jolly and merry...that is me!
    You did not answer about the Romanian Author, am I the only one who knows him? jajaja

  9. Lorena es una preciosidad!! No me extraña que a los niños les encante. Seria mucho preguntar dónde lo encontraste, por favor?

  10. Q lindo ! dificil encontar uno asi !!!

  11. You are right. I didn't read that book.
    Have a nice day Lorena!

  12. Elena y katia. Lo encontré en un mercado de cosas antiguas. Busqué en internet y hay algunos a la venta bajo la categoría de “vintage”. ES ideal, cuando lo vi me encantó, y lo compré. :P

  13. Flory, I will recommend to read the book to anyone. It is an amazing master piece. I have another Rumanian friend and she did not know him either. It is funny how me, being Chilean and at that time living in the end of the world - Chile, had to read him for my Philosophy class at University. My father had it in his personal library and I was so pleased he did, because at that time in Chile, the book was very hard to find.
    It is a marvellous and sensitive piece, for people who see the world from another point of view, not forgetting the absurd circumstances, which give the book a hint of irony. A must read!


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